Post Ironic Moustache
Created by
23 February 2023
@Dresden: Dresden, Germany







Post Ironic Moustache is a contemporary dance piece that combines performance and drama to create a cinematographic stage environment. Thematically inspired by the writings of the British cultural scientist MarkFisher, in particular the unfinished work of Acid Communism, in which he starts to unravel the neoliberal narrative that reaches a turning point in the late 60s, as means to consider how a post-capitalist society could develop. "Post Ironic Moustache" wants to deal with post-capitalism through embodiment and scenically. It questions what can be learnt from the spirit of the late 60s and how collective decision-making as a method to work can metaphorically stand for our society. Collectivitive living and the atomised individual are themes of the piece and our working methodology.
Choreography and Concept: Charles Washington
Performance & choreographic assistance: Alba T. Alvarez, Lilia Ossiek, David Le Thai, Yuja Fujinami
Music: Charles Washington mit Kerstin Möller und Bernhard Teichfischer
Stage Design: Anuschka Kilian-Buck & Federica MenegattiFashion
Design: Wenke Sommer & Wiete Sommer
Light: Kristin Feldmann
Producation Managment: Kerstin Möller
Film Edit: Lilly Chill
Camara: Christopher Haubold
Co-production HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der KünsteFunded by Der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen Dem Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden. Neu Start Kultur #TakeAction