Archiving-gaps is an online platform that discusses, displays and publishes about artistic research on cultural heritage. Inherited objects tell stories that navigate between past and present, spaces (museums, institutions, public and private spaces) and overlapping ideologies (from imperialism to socialism). Archiving-gaps promotes the potential of multiple artistic practices to reconsider historical narratives and create new methodologies for heritage studies. In the long run, the project aims to foster dialogues on current struggles around different local and national memory policies while creating interstices for inter-disciplinary collaborations all around Europe.
Archiving-gaps has been initiated in 2019 by Patricia Couvet. It is a long-term curatorial research-based project which aims to evolve over time in various curatorial formats like exhibitions, lectures and publications. As a platform, it proposes to consider heritage study as a common and shared space of reflection for cultural workers and audiences.
The present state of research is the result of an on-going research project in Armenia (ICA Yerevan), Belgium, France, Georgia and Ukraine. Archiving-gaps proposes to deconstruct the economical and cultural dichotomy established in Europe after 1991 (USSR collapse). It encourages transnational artistic and cultural collaborations to foster a post-centralised process.
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